Wednesday, January 8, 2014

We are a hologram of our "consciousness."

To understand our individuality, we need to bail out to the hologram, something that has only recently been assimilated by us, and helps us a lot to situate ourselves within the context of the conventional universe. The book “The Holographic Paradigm”, of K. Wilber, is a collection of very interesting texts on this subject.

The hologram has in each piece, the whole, in such a way that if has expanded, may restore the whole. Thus, in a hologram, when it expands a piece of the tail of the figure of a horse, the what we get, is not is a large piece, but all the horse. The piece is there, it can be individualized as a piece, but when magnified, it is the figure of which it was part.

So are we, a simple and unassuming piece of hologram of our "consciousness", soul, or spirit, who have our body as an instrument, through which comes into contact with the universe which, in turn, is by it recognized.

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