1.3 Our individualized consciousness

Even the most materialistic assumed will not deny that we are individualized, because even sure about something it is his private thing, so individualized. Well, if we are individualized, this means that we are a part of a whole, because if it were not, we would not be individualized, but the whole itself.

Since there is the whole and are part of it, is amply proven by science today that "the whole contains the part, as it contains the whole." It was once accepted that part belonged to the whole, but it was not known that this part contains the whole. The hologram solve this issue.

The individualization is established from references to the party keeps the whole. Ie, we "constitute" the references that have established, therefore we are nothing as an absolute value but rather a reference set against a larger whole.

How we are "made​​", while individuality, not by something of ours, but the whole, there is no possibility that we fail to exist, as it is the whole that gives us life and, of course, the whole can not cease to exist because it were so, would not the whole.

Formerly we had a common individuality. Today is different. It is becoming more common that we have, in the course of our lives, many lives. When, for example, a marriage broke down and went to a new relationship, we are practically setting a new individuality. When we change jobs and even the profession, we face a new individuality. When we moved to another city or country, we are starting a new life again .

The exception is a person who now has a linear life, born in a village, brought up the same has had a job only until he retired, had married someone from there, raised her children in the same place, there has aged, died and was buried.

Most of us have multiple lives. I was born in a town; I have lived in over a dozen places. I'm in fourth marriage. My first profession was dentistry, was the area of public health, I entered the field of economics and I followed by the administration. I enterprises from various sectors, whether industry, trade and services, and I'm a consultant, teacher and health worker today. Participate actively in politics, he was a candidate constituent. I wrote books on political ideology, a novel, one on the economy, several books on management,  two children's books, one on the preservation of health and the other on existential issues. Are or are not many lives in one ? I'll be the exception? Of course not. This is the general rule.

Starting from the idea that we constitute ourselves before others, and this is generally accepted as true, we're having more than one incarnation throughout life. In the situation I mentioned, a person moves through life, changing emotions, environments, activities, interests and references.

With the death of the body lose the relationships established from it, but preserve all others that are independent of it. No reason to be different. There would be logical if the body, turning into energy, also suppresses the rest of the energy that differentiates us.

How are the fundamental relations, for it is these that constitute us and ensure individuality, life disregards the existence of the body, as energy relations are independent of it. Not because he died that a person ceases to be loved, and love, and an energy line.

The fact that we are using a human body is an episode, nothing more than an episode, certainly simultaneously with other episodes. Remember that the "consciousness" has no limits, and may experience different situations simultaneously, among them the human being, because this option has the same limit of existence.

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