Administration of planet Earth.

Our planet is part of the material universe generated by our senses. Since matter is a transient form of energy, it will fatally cease to exist, returning to energy. That's irrelevant, because what matters are the energy aspects generated by it.

The human body is result of the physical conditions of the planet. It should be understood as substrate that receives records. Let us call these records of "consciousness", instead of "soul" or "spirit", because they are materialistic terms with incompatible religious connections with the energy that attempt to identify.

The human organism has enhanced its role as the energetic receiver. This enhancement results to be receiving "consciences" increasingly energetic and less materialistic. Commendable example of this evolution is the development of communication facilities and data processing with lower use of matter. A nanotechnology confirms this trend.

The growing appreciation of the energy aspects reduce the exaggerated importance assigned to matter and enable appropriate treatment for it value. The planet Earth is seen as it really is, ie, a physical substrate in which human bodies were developed.

The planet Earth need be administered, but we do not know how to do this. The truth is that until today we do not found a satisfactory way to manage human collectivities.

Individual differences, one of the most interesting features of humanity, are an obstacle to achieving administrative practices that satisfy to everyone.

Our intelligence, when used with materialistic values, contrary the rationality, generates social injustice.

The development of electronics has improved our level of information, something essential to take administrative decisions, but did not solve the question of who makes the decision.

Administrative decisions may be authoritarian or democratic. When authoritarian, even technocratic, they generate reactions that prevent its use. Democratic decisions taken by most, are mediocre for ignoring the options of better quality because they are minority.

We need, however, to find a solution that allows the taking of key decisions to preserve the habitability of our planet.

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