1.1 The harmonic universe

The energy is essentially harmonious and organized forms of energy, as is the case of matter, which is an organization of energy perceived by our senses, tend return to be energy. (The Energetic Harmony Theory)

The universe that we perceive is material, generated by our senses. There is, however, an energetic universe that is harmonic, involving aspects such as feelings, imagination, creativity, memories, faith and beliefs. The material universe is not harmony and tends to become energetic, ceasing to exist as matter.

The existence of the energetic universe is questioned by the people who are said materialist, ie who believe, that only exists what is perceived by your senses. This way of thinking was considered rational and scientific, until the moment when science recognized the existence of something beyond what is perceived by our senses.

The gap that was opened in scientific thinking, was established from the moment that physics had come to believe in existence of certain particles, who must exist by mathematical calculation, to justify the existence of something that was perceived by our senses.

This happened so many times that physicists now believe in their deductions from calculations, because with the advanced prospecting methods of reality, many things that were foreseen were proven, authorizing the use this resource to go beyond what could be objectively recognized.
But not only in prospecting of new things the mathematical deduction is helpful. Some truths, apparently scientific, have been questioned from contradictory objective observations. The question of light to be the maximum speed limit is a classic example

There is a physics experiment that identifies when a particle is observed, it rotates in the clockwise direction, other particle instantaneously rotates counterclockwise. When the two particles are close, it is easy to admit that one has passed the message to the other, either by a magnetic field system or something similar. The instantaneousness of the response of the other is rationally accepted. But when the two particles move away from one another, at a distance from Tokyo to Miami, and obtains the same instant response, we need to admit that the speed of response was higher than the speed of light.

Well, physicists thought if a particle can behave like this, why people will doubt the possibility of someone experiencing a scene that is happening thousands of kilometers away? Or, why deny the possibility of an identical twin feel the same pain felt by his brother, too, thousands of kilometers away?

Physicists were gradually recognizing the mystical aspects of phenomena that science was proving. This surely was one of the great achievements of man in his search to know who he is, where he came from and where it goes.

Today science already admits the existence of asupra luminous universe, ie, where the speed is infinite, by overcoming the barrier of the speed of light, which is inherent to material universe we perceive with our senses.

If you are particularly interested in this aspect, I suggest reading the book L 'Homme superiumineux ", P. Régis Dutheil and Brigitte Aventure. This text discusses the question about the supra luminous universe with rare competence.

In this universe there is no past, present or future, because everything is instantaneous. The specialized literature about regression - in particular I emphasize the books of Patrick Drouot - that refers numerous cases in which person, at disincarnating, "saw" his whole life. People who drowned and survived also report something similar. For us "to see" a life takes time, but in terms of conscience there is no time factor and this can be happen instantly.

Now imagine a theatrical scene that is being performed outdoors somewhere. We're watching the show and practically we see what is going on at the same instant that the scene is happening. In fact, one time, that would be the passage of light until the image comes to us and until the sound is heard there, but as it is very fast, usually disregard that period of time and we think we're watching the spectacle in same instant in which it is presented. Say, now, that someone is watching on Mars with a telescope this spectacle. Well, now we'll have to admit that there will be a lag of more significant time between the time we saw the scene and when the person on Mars also attended. But what if it were on Mars, a planet that is close to us, but in another galaxy? We would certainly have some light-years delay so we can see the scene. In other words, changing the distance, the scene is eternal, it never stops being displayed.

Now do the opposite movement. To watch the past, just us to move Earth space enough to observe what was happening in a given time period. The regressions, therefore, are nothing more than "travel " we make space for us to observe what happened in the previous time.

What I'm saying is not what happens in "reality " but an artifice , in order to understand. In fact, the absence of time, no need or possibility of seeking distances; simply tune with what we want to experience. I.e. our secure "awareness" what we want, and that's enough for us aware of what happened.

You may say I'm entering the terrain of science fiction and fleeing to rationality. Not so. Today one can, through computing resources, make a movie with an actor now deceased. Simply retrieve the images from previous films and program a new movie. It will be a film as if it were alive, i.e., we can now, through technical resources, reviving an actor, to put it to work on a new film.

This is as surprising as the fact that we use have many years of resources through which we can record the picture and sound people and play them even after they have died. Looking at the screen, or the video, a person who has died certainly seems witchcraft for someone unaccustomed to these resources. The same reaction we have against the possibility of doing a film with the late actor, including interacting with live actors. American award-winning special effects company will create a hologram of Elvis Presley to "resurrect" the king of rock to the public.

If we can give life to someone who has died, to make it "part" of a movie with live actors, or making a presentation to equal it did before, the reason of our unbelief as to whether we can get away from the land enough to observe something that happened in the past? Regressions, abundantly proven show that this is possible.

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