1.4 Accessing the "individual consciousness "

The harmonic actions are incorporated into the "individual consciousness" and, therefore , when a person is born already does with the register of achievements of his individuality.

The "individual consciousness" can capture actions of many origins, of many insertions, and when the collapse of a human body occurs, has no other consequence beyond the cessation of this input.

The "individual conscience" does not interfere in human actions, it only receives impulses. A person who does good acts, these are harmonious activities, whatever they may be. Recognition of positive actions potentiates these actions, creating an opposite effect when the reactions are negative. Thus, a positive person reinforces the "conscience" because it is tuned to the energy harmonic universe.

The Theory of Harmony Energy explains scientifically what we are, dispensing mystical beliefs that generate distrust and fears that disrupt the quality of life.

The proof of this theory can be lived by people who can focus, and experience multiple situations, also known as experiential dreams or regressions. In this case, you can "look" the situations experienced, is like watching a theatrical representation. It is a fascinating experience! Do it!


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