The computer is a device that can be misused, reason for what is subjected to the omnipresent and omniscient control by its creator. This control, however, can be undone by act or omission of the user.
Virtually all computers have the same basic structure, varying the operating system and programs loaded on it. However, mechanisms of protection against misuse, only become effective when properly used. Infected computers have an autonomous life, beyond the control of the creator that can not be blamed for negative actions.
Computers are simple processors of data and information and is essential differentiating what is material of that is energy. Is a materialistic view assign the meritorious actions of computers to its structure, when it should be assign to voluntary actions and programs implemented in it.
The computer is static and does not have the ability to correct wear and adjusting to new demands. This failure requires interventions aimed at maintenance and component replacement.
When the computer ceases to be useful it becomes definitely off. It is the death of the computer. This similarity with the human body is not a coincidence. Think about it.

The Energetic Harmony Theory uses scientific knowledge to revolutionize the way we think and act, published by G. Balandier, DO Beauregard, D. Bohm, D. F. Peat, J. Briggs, F. Capra, S, Davis, S, P. Davis, P. R. Dutheil, B. Dutheil, G. T Ilder, J. Gleick, C. Griscom, S. W. Hawking, R. Stacey, R, Stewart, K. Wilber, and many others.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Experiential dreams

The proof of this allows have a very different conception what is death and modifies our relationship with the physical substrate that is the human body.
Knowing that we have records of multiple experiences, accessed when we sleep, and allows unimaginable experience situations. These situations have nothing to do with our lives today, and this proves that our consciousness is simply using our body.
The access to experiential dreams is stimulated by a simple mentalization that introduces us into uncontrollable and amazing experiences. We visited countries we have never been. We know people who did not even know existed. It is fascinating the details, the look of the people, their vesture, behavior, customs, situations that faced. Some of them worrying to the point that we were happy because it is an experiential dream. In other situations we get frustrated because they are very nice and wanted to keep them.
The important thing is that we have many lives being lived simultaneously.
Friday, January 24, 2014
We continue to exist after dead.
For more rational we want to be, what we know of the universe assures us that we are not a biological system that ceases to exist when it loses its material substrate. Disappear is what distresses us before death, because we want to continue to exist.
Formerly it we had one individuality. Today is different. When, for example, broke up a marriage and left for a new relationship, practically we are establishing a new individuality. When we change jobs and even profession, we are faced with a new individuality. When we moved to another city, or country, we are starting over a new life. Are many examples The exception is today a person has one life.
We are constituted by the others, therefore, we can have more than one incarnation over a lifetime. With the death of the body we loose the relationships established from it, but we preserve all others that are independent of it. No reason to be different. There would be logical if the body, turning into energy, also suppresses the rest of the energy that differentiates us. Remember that it is not because died that a person ceases to be loved, and love is harmonic energy.
The fact that we are using a human body is an episode, nothing more than an episode, certainly simultaneously with other episodes. Remember that the "consciousness" has no limits, and may experience different situations simultaneously, among them those of humans, especially because this option has a time limit of existence.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Maintenance of the human body.
The human body is a wonderful organism and needs proper maintenance.
1. Supply - when need, it give the warning of hunger. It is not recommended supply without need, or use as a source of pleasure, or for social reasons.
2. Hydration - The hydration should be with the compound of hydrogen and oxygen, called water. The use of other liquids in the body, introduces unnecessary and harmful chemicals, and cancels the notice of thirst.
3. Respiration - lungs need to be supplied with fresh air without pollutants. This recommendation can be the most difficult to achieve, in the current environmental conditions. It is unacceptable the voluntary introduction of smoke.
4. Sleep - the body has scheduled periodic stops and this should be respected. If the sleep not occurs, it is necessary to identify the cause and correct. Force stops with chemicals, it is not recommended.
5. Alert - a sophisticated alert system uses warnings such as "pain" and "trembling". It is totally unreasonable turn off these warning systems, with the use of chemicals. The cause should be investigated and corrected.
6. Consciousness - The external relations of the body are established by consciousness. Unfavorable living conditions lead to the use of modifiers of consciousness. The use is addictive and leads to irrational acts.
7. Pressure - the body works with the pressure required for proper circulation, adjusting the heartbeat. Establish artificial pressure levels is a possible action to prevent rupture of vessels, not a solution.
8. Inflammation - the body needs when facing a traumatic situation or invasive, increase the space to organize his defense, the operation field is heated, and emits pain. One should not avoid this defense, forgetting removing the cause.
Text:Cristina Haberl and Carlos Reinaldo Mendes Ribeiro
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Rational organization
An organization consist of people who work there because need, and not by the pleasure of doing something useful and rewarding, is not harmonic.
The work must be an occupation and never an obligation. Work for money is to sell life time and it is not rational. Wait for retirement to enjoy life is a fantasy.
Lose the freedom to decide, accepting determinations generated by other, means accepting slavery.
Each person has their organic rhythm that should not be altered by artificially established schedules, whether for food, go to sleep, much less arouse.
A rational being is obliged to live in a rational society, rebelling against all that constrain this fundamental right.
The work must be an occupation and never an obligation. Work for money is to sell life time and it is not rational. Wait for retirement to enjoy life is a fantasy.
Lose the freedom to decide, accepting determinations generated by other, means accepting slavery.
Each person has their organic rhythm that should not be altered by artificially established schedules, whether for food, go to sleep, much less arouse.
A rational being is obliged to live in a rational society, rebelling against all that constrain this fundamental right.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Supra-luminous universe.
The universe that we perceive is material, generated by our senses. There is, however, an energetic universe that is harmonic, involving aspects such as feelings, imagination, creativity, memories, faith and beliefs. The material universe is not harmony and tends to become energetic, ceasing to exist as matter.
The existence of the energetic universe is questioned by the people who are said materialist, ie who believe, that only exists what is perceived by your senses. This way of thinking was considered rational and scientific, until the moment when science recognized the existence of something beyond what is perceived by our senses.
The gap that was opened in scientific thinking, was established from the moment that physics had come to believe in existence of certain particles, who must exist by mathematical calculation, to justify the existence of something that was perceived by our senses.
This happened so many times that physicists now believe in their deductions from calculations, because with the advanced prospecting methods of reality, many things that were foreseen were proven, authorizing the use this resource to go beyond what could be objectively recognized.
But not only in prospecting of new things the mathematical deduction is helpful. Some truths, apparently scientific, have been questioned from contradictory objective observations. The question of light to be the maximum speed limit is a classic example
There is a physics experiment that identifies when a particle is observed, it rotates in the clockwise direction, other particle instantaneously rotates counterclockwise. When the two particles are close, it is easy to admit that one has passed the message to the other, either by a magnetic field system or something similar. The instantaneousness of the response of the other is rationally accepted. But when the two particles move away from one another, at a distance from Tokyo to Miami, and obtains the same instant response, we need to admit that the speed of response was higher than the speed of light.
Well, physicists thought if a particle can behave like this, why people will doubt the possibility of someone experiencing a scene that is happening thousands of kilometers away? Or, why deny the possibility of an identical twin feel the same pain felt by his brother, too, thousands of kilometers away?
Physicists were gradually recognizing the mystical aspects of phenomena that science was proving. This surely was one of the great achievements of man in his search to know who he is, where he came from and where it goes.
Today science already admits the existence of a supra luminous universe, ie, where the speed is infinite, by overcoming the barrier of the speed of light, which is inherent to material universe we perceive with our senses.
If you are particularly interested in this aspect, I suggest reading the book L 'Homme superiumineux ", P. Régis Dutheil and Brigitte Aventure. This text discusses the question about the supra luminous universe with rare competence.
The existence of the energetic universe is questioned by the people who are said materialist, ie who believe, that only exists what is perceived by your senses. This way of thinking was considered rational and scientific, until the moment when science recognized the existence of something beyond what is perceived by our senses.
The gap that was opened in scientific thinking, was established from the moment that physics had come to believe in existence of certain particles, who must exist by mathematical calculation, to justify the existence of something that was perceived by our senses.
This happened so many times that physicists now believe in their deductions from calculations, because with the advanced prospecting methods of reality, many things that were foreseen were proven, authorizing the use this resource to go beyond what could be objectively recognized.
But not only in prospecting of new things the mathematical deduction is helpful. Some truths, apparently scientific, have been questioned from contradictory objective observations. The question of light to be the maximum speed limit is a classic example
There is a physics experiment that identifies when a particle is observed, it rotates in the clockwise direction, other particle instantaneously rotates counterclockwise. When the two particles are close, it is easy to admit that one has passed the message to the other, either by a magnetic field system or something similar. The instantaneousness of the response of the other is rationally accepted. But when the two particles move away from one another, at a distance from Tokyo to Miami, and obtains the same instant response, we need to admit that the speed of response was higher than the speed of light.
Well, physicists thought if a particle can behave like this, why people will doubt the possibility of someone experiencing a scene that is happening thousands of kilometers away? Or, why deny the possibility of an identical twin feel the same pain felt by his brother, too, thousands of kilometers away?
Physicists were gradually recognizing the mystical aspects of phenomena that science was proving. This surely was one of the great achievements of man in his search to know who he is, where he came from and where it goes.
Today science already admits the existence of a supra luminous universe, ie, where the speed is infinite, by overcoming the barrier of the speed of light, which is inherent to material universe we perceive with our senses.
If you are particularly interested in this aspect, I suggest reading the book L 'Homme superiumineux ", P. Régis Dutheil and Brigitte Aventure. This text discusses the question about the supra luminous universe with rare competence.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Harmonic organization.
Let's examine the differences between a conventional and harmonic organization, using as an example two companies:
Conventional company.
The company has a frame at reception touting its mission and values.
People in the company, according to the position they occupy say: "My Company", "our company" or "their company".
There is a control system frequency.
Notices,are placed with instructions about behaviors and / or administrative procedures.
On the bulletin board there are a warning: "From this date ....".
The company has a labor lawyer.
Those who occupy leadership positions are dedicated to maintaining the pace of production, distributing tasks, checking the quality, avoid waste and other activities inherent in the command.
When the company wants to highlight an employee promote him to a more important position, to be able to pay more, riskless of wage parity.
The company usually keep a good communication system, issuing warnings or giving suspensions as warnings that something is wrong.
In the ex-works,those who hold volumes are examined.
Some employees participate in profits, proportional to the wage level.
There is a table of positions and salaries and stimulates functional progress, usually indicated by the manager.
The company gets along well with the renewal of the frames, which is seen as something natural and avoids accommodations.
Costs are compatible, and the company does not "miracles".
Statements of possession or wealth that can generate constraints are avoided.
Many meetings of heads are made and avoids "initiatives" that have not been approved by the rightful person.
In the year-end festivities, highlights the spirit of harmony existing in the company.
Economic data such with sales, orders, inventory, etc.. are known only to those who have to deal with.
Each one should stick to his task as if everyone does what it should be the satisfactory result.
Harmonic company.
Everyone is aware of the company's goals and your way of being.
When referring to the company all say: "our company".
There is no control of work time.
In the last five years there was no labor dispute.
All do work, no one is only as chief.
People receive the market value, no more, no less.
No warnings communications or suspensions.
There is no volume control at the exit of the job.
All have share in the profits, in proportion to their participation and not in proportion to their remuneration.
There are not contests for positions because there is no table of positions and salaries.
In the last five years no one resigned for reasons of maladjustment at work.
The company works with lower costs than the competition.
The businessman when car exchange does not feel embarrassed to appear with the new car.
Who has to take decision, take it, without shirk of responsibility.
The entrepreneur does not make speeches saying "we are a family ...".
All data regarding sales, costs, and expenses, are available to all.
People know what need to do, what is produced, who the customers are, and are very safe.
Food Industries.
The food industry has acted irresponsibly with respect to the health of its users.
Have used chemicals that could be avoided and provided highly harmful products, as exemplified in this critical text: GasCola
Have used chemicals that could be avoided and provided highly harmful products, as exemplified in this critical text: GasCola
Friday, January 17, 2014
Multiple lives.
The extraordinary ability of some people excel at certain activities can be easily explained by the collection of previous and simultaneously experience in this segment.
An architect develops wonderful and challenging projects, certainly from experienced architectural solutions by it in other insertions of life.
The poet who dazzles us all with lovely messages that touch our sensibilities, certainly did not generated this feature starting from scratch when he was born.
The writer who confesses that he loses control of his characters when he writes a book, is telling us that his book is an account of his previous and / or concurrent experiences, even why in many of these books there are autobiographical aspects.
Lately many youth has dazzled and amazed by the creation of electronic marvels, generated by minds that do certainly are using experiences of previous lives.
The denial of these and many other evidences that can be cited is contrary to logic and needs no comment.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
How could avoid evil?
Our social structure based on guilt and responsibility, has not worked. Never we live with so much violence. Virtually all of us are prisoners of a violent and irresponsible society, determined by collective behavior.
When we walk the streets and identify social problems, our reaction is to turn your back, because we think it does not concern us. After all, we pay taxes and we argue that governments should take responsibility for these social misfits.
People employed in conventional administrations are treated as children and not as responsible adults. The irony is that, even so, thousands of others want to receive this treatment because they are unemployed.
We keep in prisons thousands of other people who have committed crimes related to petty theft, and we have greater tolerance to important persons who stole much. Justice really is blind, it does not see the injustices committed in their name.
We maintain many privileged that are distracted making speeches and generating useless laws, when what they should do is to solve social problems. They transform the mandate on business desk.
We accept absurd wage distortions, paying these privileged with funds raised by taxes pay by the poor, when they consume products essential.
We live with corruption accepting this as inevitable. For us it is a fait accompli and we respect the offender as someone who deserves our admiration for to be rich.
In fact, we are very unjust and we pay for this injustice. In a world based on injustice is too easy to someone to take antisocial behavior. In fact, the behavior of this individual is not a cream, or atavistic responsibility, but a consequence of an absurd social structure. He was a just world, surely his misconduct would be much less bearable and the society. Ourselves is that we create a society, ie, the medium
The wave of violence that afflicts and torments our social life is generated by ourselves. Nobody is so discrepant from a social order. Are distortions of social structure generating the unacceptable behavior.
When we walk the streets and identify social problems, our reaction is to turn your back, because we think it does not concern us. After all, we pay taxes and we argue that governments should take responsibility for these social misfits.
People employed in conventional administrations are treated as children and not as responsible adults. The irony is that, even so, thousands of others want to receive this treatment because they are unemployed.
We keep in prisons thousands of other people who have committed crimes related to petty theft, and we have greater tolerance to important persons who stole much. Justice really is blind, it does not see the injustices committed in their name.
We maintain many privileged that are distracted making speeches and generating useless laws, when what they should do is to solve social problems. They transform the mandate on business desk.
We accept absurd wage distortions, paying these privileged with funds raised by taxes pay by the poor, when they consume products essential.
We live with corruption accepting this as inevitable. For us it is a fait accompli and we respect the offender as someone who deserves our admiration for to be rich.
In fact, we are very unjust and we pay for this injustice. In a world based on injustice is too easy to someone to take antisocial behavior. In fact, the behavior of this individual is not a cream, or atavistic responsibility, but a consequence of an absurd social structure. He was a just world, surely his misconduct would be much less bearable and the society. Ourselves is that we create a society, ie, the medium
The wave of violence that afflicts and torments our social life is generated by ourselves. Nobody is so discrepant from a social order. Are distortions of social structure generating the unacceptable behavior.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
The origin of evil.
One might think that is a bad character, but if so, the innocent would have been born to be criminal and, in fact, would not have responsibility, because had no opportunity of choice.
We may do not accept this genetic determinism, but we will have to assign to education that received the innocent, or to the environment, the responsibility for the fact of having become a criminal. Again it is unfair to blame someone for the education received, or the environment where he lives. The possibility of coexistence of the two factors gives no truth to each, much less to the whole.
A third hypothesis of the innocent to have come into this world marked to be what in reality he become, ie, a criminal, and that determinism was established by himself as "consciousness" which adopted a human body. This hypothesis contradicts the fact that only the harmonic energy is recorded in the "individualized consciousness".
Finally, we can imagine that the person within their free will, has decided to become a criminal. Would be a person bad, even though genetically well-formed, and having had a blameless education. Corroborating this hypothesis, there are numerous cases of criminals whose brothers are good people. That is, take yourself a criminal is the free will. The crux of the matter is if the evil can be a choice freely assumed by one person.
Only in this case we would consider someone guilty for acting badly . Surely it would be simpler and more convenient, assign to free will the responsibility, but it does not exist and it is easy to prove, as it is easy to identify the cause of problem.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Trial and punishment.
The difficulty of defining what is objectively good or evil does not prevent a social organization establish their rules of social behavior. What is needed is to keep in mind that these rules are set by people, as a result of social conditioning and which are temporary, because what is sentenced today can be accepted tomorrow, and so too the opposite. These rules were content and questioned.
Be aware of the relativity of good and evil is very useful for us to avoid taking on the role of judges, eager to apply punishments. Even because the punishment can be the easy way for someone to be not really punished. It is very common for people who have acted to harm others when socially punished, feel liberated from the burden of guilt, because they have already completed their sentences. Not for any other reason that is evolving in order to punish someone, forcing to do something to correct the social harm caused, not just apply a temporal and unproductive shame we did not redeem anything, but, on the contrary, is still more onerous.
Good and Evil.
Any sensible person is considered capable of distinguishing good and evil. Can we really distinguish good and evil?
When a person kills another for no apparent reason, or unacceptable reason in social judgment, it seems clear that she acted poorly. But if that same person kills thousands of "enemies" will be consecrated and honored for outstanding services rendered to the country.
If an impoverished man steals to survive, he did something wrong. When, however, the driver of the economic policy of a country achieves excellent results, engendering poverty in other countries, he is highly praised.
In general, human groups set rules to define good and evil, these rules are arising from the way of being, thinking and acting of this group, ie, from its culture, from the point of view of anthropology.
When a person kills another for no apparent reason, or unacceptable reason in social judgment, it seems clear that she acted poorly. But if that same person kills thousands of "enemies" will be consecrated and honored for outstanding services rendered to the country.
If an impoverished man steals to survive, he did something wrong. When, however, the driver of the economic policy of a country achieves excellent results, engendering poverty in other countries, he is highly praised.
In general, human groups set rules to define good and evil, these rules are arising from the way of being, thinking and acting of this group, ie, from its culture, from the point of view of anthropology.
Thus, when an Eskimo kills his aged father, with the justification that it should not become too weakened because it would harm the eternal life, he did well, according to the thinking of these people, who, for reasons of survival, not can keep unproductive people.
When the family authorizes to be disconnected the apparatus that keeps alive, suffering, a loved one, with no prospect of recovery, this can be accepted as a charitable and justifiable act, but will be condemned for religious reasons.
It seems clear that we must accept that good and evil are relative concepts rather than absolute. And are relative, because they depend on point of view, i.e., from the view point.
When the family authorizes to be disconnected the apparatus that keeps alive, suffering, a loved one, with no prospect of recovery, this can be accepted as a charitable and justifiable act, but will be condemned for religious reasons.
It seems clear that we must accept that good and evil are relative concepts rather than absolute. And are relative, because they depend on point of view, i.e., from the view point.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Administration of planet Earth.
The planet Earth need be administered, but we do not know how to do this. The truth is that until today we do not found a satisfactory way to manage human collectivities.
Individual differences, one of the most interesting features of humanity, are an obstacle to achieving administrative practices that satisfy to everyone.
Our intelligence, when used with materialistic values, contrary the rationality, generates social injustice.
The development of electronics has improved our level of information, something essential to take administrative decisions, but did not solve the question of who makes the decision.
Administrative decisions may be authoritarian or democratic. When authoritarian, even technocratic, they generate reactions that prevent its use. Democratic decisions taken by most, are mediocre for ignoring the options of better quality because they are minority.
We need, however, to find a solution that allows the taking of key decisions to preserve the habitability of our planet.
Individual differences, one of the most interesting features of humanity, are an obstacle to achieving administrative practices that satisfy to everyone.
Our intelligence, when used with materialistic values, contrary the rationality, generates social injustice.
The development of electronics has improved our level of information, something essential to take administrative decisions, but did not solve the question of who makes the decision.
Administrative decisions may be authoritarian or democratic. When authoritarian, even technocratic, they generate reactions that prevent its use. Democratic decisions taken by most, are mediocre for ignoring the options of better quality because they are minority.
We need, however, to find a solution that allows the taking of key decisions to preserve the habitability of our planet.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Planet Earth
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The human body is result of the physical conditions of the planet. It should be understood as substrate that receives records. Let us call these records of "consciousness", instead of "soul" or "spirit", because they are materialistic terms with incompatible religious connections with the energy that attempt to identify.
The human organism has enhanced its role as the energetic receiver. This enhancement results to be receiving "consciences" increasingly energetic and less materialistic. Commendable example of this evolution is the development of communication facilities and data processing with lower use of matter. A nanotechnology confirms this trend.
The growing appreciation of the energy aspects reduce the exaggerated importance assigned to matter and enable appropriate treatment for it value. The planet Earth is seen as it really is, ie, a physical substrate in which human bodies were developed.
Read the following: Managing the planet Earth.
Friday, January 10, 2014
The choice of a human body.
The "individual conscience", similar to the soul or spirit of some religions, inscribe the harmonics experiences. An experience is harmonic when generates positive reactions. The experiences negatives do not are incorporated, because they are not harmonics.
The "individual consciousness" is incorporated to a fetus presenting attractive conditions for its implementation. Thus, not only the psychological conditions of the mother, but also its general conditions are decisive factors for this implementation.
Of course physical problems with the fetus, as well as changes of emotional nature, may alter significantly the conditions of this insertion.
Changes in sex expectations, for example, may determine divergences between the sex of the fetus and the characteristics of "implanted consciousness”. Changes in the conditions of the family environment, can generate mismatches between caracteristics of the "awareness" deployed and the reality of inputs that are determining the individuality of the new being.
Rarely is found the predisposing conditions for the use of previous experiences, but when it occurs is usual deemed a surprising fact when it should be what it always should occur.
The "individual consciousness" is incorporated to a fetus presenting attractive conditions for its implementation. Thus, not only the psychological conditions of the mother, but also its general conditions are decisive factors for this implementation.
Of course physical problems with the fetus, as well as changes of emotional nature, may alter significantly the conditions of this insertion.
Changes in sex expectations, for example, may determine divergences between the sex of the fetus and the characteristics of "implanted consciousness”. Changes in the conditions of the family environment, can generate mismatches between caracteristics of the "awareness" deployed and the reality of inputs that are determining the individuality of the new being.
Rarely is found the predisposing conditions for the use of previous experiences, but when it occurs is usual deemed a surprising fact when it should be what it always should occur.
Dies only the person whose life is oriented to matter.
The energetic universe, is harmonic. This harmony can be called God. God's existence is disputed by some. They agree with the existence of something that started it all, but not with the characteristics attributed to this something.
The beauty of natural things, the wonder that is the human body, the grandeur of the universe, all this indicates the existence of a general harmony. The amazing is that this harmony it is only apparent.
The beauty of natural things, the wonder that is the human body, the grandeur of the universe, all this indicates the existence of a general harmony. The amazing is that this harmony it is only apparent.
This apparent harmony of material things makes the matter come back to energy. It is noteworthy that all motion of matter is an imbalance, contrary to the harmony. Therefore, the universe we perceive by our senses inevitably must disappear.
This reality makes fatally must disappear everything that is related to matter. Thus, a person who guided their existence to material issues, when die, will simply cease to exist.
This reality makes fatally must disappear everything that is related to matter. Thus, a person who guided their existence to material issues, when die, will simply cease to exist.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Transfer of our "consciousness” to a new body.
The body is to "conscience", like a computer is to your programs. Today already we mastered the technology to produce a clone of our body. But still we do not know how one could download the "conscience" for this clone. When to be something perfectly mastered, and will be in much less time than you think, will be more logical to download the "consciousness" to a body that does not present problems, rather than do partial transplant.
Certainly exist a program to register the "conscience" in fetus. Installed the "consciousness", the fetus is individualized, receiving stimuli, generated by peripherals from the mother. The reports about regressions in the uterine life, tell us that the fetus was aware of their situation, and the trauma that was the separation from the mother.
One clone, if created outside the womb, do not have the basic programming to input a "conscience". In this case, we have the equivalent of a computer without any kind of program, i.e. no "system" installed. In this case, don’t have problem of overlapping of “conscience”.
Certainly exist a program to register the "conscience" in fetus. Installed the "consciousness", the fetus is individualized, receiving stimuli, generated by peripherals from the mother. The reports about regressions in the uterine life, tell us that the fetus was aware of their situation, and the trauma that was the separation from the mother.
One clone, if created outside the womb, do not have the basic programming to input a "conscience". In this case, we have the equivalent of a computer without any kind of program, i.e. no "system" installed. In this case, don’t have problem of overlapping of “conscience”.
The fact is that the more we advance in computer technology, is most easier understand what means the relations of our body with the "consciousness". From this understanding we can provide forms of assistance that were unthinkable before.
Of course, as usual, ethical reasons will be invoked to hinder scientific advance, but we are advancing rapidly in two directions. On the one hand we have the better understanding the body relationships with our "consciousness", and secondly, the spiritualization will make this issue no longer so importante.
Of course, as usual, ethical reasons will be invoked to hinder scientific advance, but we are advancing rapidly in two directions. On the one hand we have the better understanding the body relationships with our "consciousness", and secondly, the spiritualization will make this issue no longer so importante.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
We are a hologram of our "consciousness."
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The hologram has in each piece, the whole, in such a way that if has expanded, may restore the whole. Thus, in a hologram, when it expands a piece of the tail of the figure of a horse, the what we get, is not is a large piece, but all the horse. The piece is there, it can be individualized as a piece, but when magnified, it is the figure of which it was part.
So are we, a simple and unassuming piece of hologram of our "consciousness", soul, or spirit, who have our body as an instrument, through which comes into contact with the universe which, in turn, is by it recognized.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Our body is a tool.
Let's imagine that the human body is an instrument, through which we come into contact with the three dimensions recognized in the material world. But what kind of instrument is that? Say, for example, is something like a violin. A violin that the musician uses to emit sound vibrations which strike our senses.
Clear that the violinist is much more than the violin, although it produce the music we listen to. Can we confuse the violinist with violin? Certainly not. Although the greater integration between the two give more quality to the music. But the violinist is a person and violin an instrument used by him. It is certain, too, that the violinist used the violin transitionally.
In the case of human body, also our "consciousness", soul, or spirit, uses the body as a tool to enter in the material universe. But "consciousness" is not the body, like the violin is not the violinist.
It is common to find at the entrance to subways, musicians who play several instruments simultaneously. Something similar may happen with our "consciousness", who can simultaneously be applied in more than one activity or living more than a sensory experience.
The fact that we are using a human body is an episode, nothing more than an episode, possibly simultaneously with other episodes. Therefore, we believe that our real size is infinite and simultaneously may experiencing various situations, among them those of humans. The Theory of Harmony Energy clarifies this matter very well.
Clear that the violinist is much more than the violin, although it produce the music we listen to. Can we confuse the violinist with violin? Certainly not. Although the greater integration between the two give more quality to the music. But the violinist is a person and violin an instrument used by him. It is certain, too, that the violinist used the violin transitionally.
In the case of human body, also our "consciousness", soul, or spirit, uses the body as a tool to enter in the material universe. But "consciousness" is not the body, like the violin is not the violinist.
It is common to find at the entrance to subways, musicians who play several instruments simultaneously. Something similar may happen with our "consciousness", who can simultaneously be applied in more than one activity or living more than a sensory experience.
The fact that we are using a human body is an episode, nothing more than an episode, possibly simultaneously with other episodes. Therefore, we believe that our real size is infinite and simultaneously may experiencing various situations, among them those of humans. The Theory of Harmony Energy clarifies this matter very well.
Monday, January 6, 2014
The material universe is a creation of our senses.
Matter exists only because we have senses that detect their existence, passing the message to the brain. If we did not have the senses or the brain, the matter would not exist for us. How could perceive the existence of matter, a person devoid of the five senses? Or, another who has the senses, but the brain does not work? Therefore, we conclude that the matter exists as a creation of our senses and our brain.
The senses is that "constitute" the matter giving her existence. The senses are what give form to matter. By the senses we may distinguish the colors, the sounds, the smells, the taste, and texture, however they are very limited.
The colors, for example, are distinguished by us by compliance with each wave, but our vision is limited, i.e., she only sees waves of a minimum and maximum length, because the others are not perceived. It is for this reason that ultraviolet and infrared are recognized as existing by its chemical and thermal effects, but can not be seen. As, however, they are identified by other senses, we have no doubt as to its existence. When you listen to stereo music in a suitable environment, music is perceived as if it were being emitted from a central point, where the orchestra has generated. A show laser generates an image perceived as being at the intersection of the rays, i.e., a virtual image. Who knew that the expansion of a hologram can reproduce the whole and is not just an increase in size of a part, as occurs with conventional figures? All us know dozens of exercises that demonstrate the optical illusion. Nothing prevents, however, to accept the universe no material, if only because we live with it when it comes to something related, for example, with imagination, feelings, and geniality.
The senses is that "constitute" the matter giving her existence. The senses are what give form to matter. By the senses we may distinguish the colors, the sounds, the smells, the taste, and texture, however they are very limited.
The colors, for example, are distinguished by us by compliance with each wave, but our vision is limited, i.e., she only sees waves of a minimum and maximum length, because the others are not perceived. It is for this reason that ultraviolet and infrared are recognized as existing by its chemical and thermal effects, but can not be seen. As, however, they are identified by other senses, we have no doubt as to its existence. When you listen to stereo music in a suitable environment, music is perceived as if it were being emitted from a central point, where the orchestra has generated. A show laser generates an image perceived as being at the intersection of the rays, i.e., a virtual image. Who knew that the expansion of a hologram can reproduce the whole and is not just an increase in size of a part, as occurs with conventional figures? All us know dozens of exercises that demonstrate the optical illusion. Nothing prevents, however, to accept the universe no material, if only because we live with it when it comes to something related, for example, with imagination, feelings, and geniality.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Quality of Life.
When a person is born is duty of mankind ensure quality of life for her. If this is not likely achieved, minimal common sense indicates that it should not have been born.
This is basic and elemental, but certain religions, allegedly spiritualized, are resister, because are terribly materialistic.
The animal kingdom sees this issue with much greater clarity and rationality, against us that we are, supposedly, rational beings.
This is basic and elemental, but certain religions, allegedly spiritualized, are resister, because are terribly materialistic.
The animal kingdom sees this issue with much greater clarity and rationality, against us that we are, supposedly, rational beings.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Accessing the "individual consciousness"
The harmonic actions are incorporated into the "individual consciousness" and, therefore , when a person is born already does with the register of achievements of his individuality.
The "individual consciousness" can capture actions of many origins, of many insertions, and when the collapse of a human body occurs, has no other consequence beyond the cessation of this input.
The "individual conscience" does not interfere in human actions, it only receives impulses. A person who does good acts, these are harmonious activities, whatever they may be. Recognition of positive actions potentiates these actions, creating an opposite effect when the reactions are negative. Thus, a positive person reinforces the "conscience" because it is tuned to the energy harmonic universe.
The Theory of Harmony Energy explains scientifically what we are, dispensing mystical beliefs that generate distrust and fears that disrupt the quality of life.
The proof of this theory can be lived by people who can focus, and experience multiple situations, also known as experiential dreams or regressions. In this case, you can "look" the situations experienced, is like watching a theatrical representation. It is a fascinating experience! Do it!
The "individual consciousness" can capture actions of many origins, of many insertions, and when the collapse of a human body occurs, has no other consequence beyond the cessation of this input.
The "individual conscience" does not interfere in human actions, it only receives impulses. A person who does good acts, these are harmonious activities, whatever they may be. Recognition of positive actions potentiates these actions, creating an opposite effect when the reactions are negative. Thus, a positive person reinforces the "conscience" because it is tuned to the energy harmonic universe.
The Theory of Harmony Energy explains scientifically what we are, dispensing mystical beliefs that generate distrust and fears that disrupt the quality of life.
The proof of this theory can be lived by people who can focus, and experience multiple situations, also known as experiential dreams or regressions. In this case, you can "look" the situations experienced, is like watching a theatrical representation. It is a fascinating experience! Do it!
Simultaneous lives is a fact!
Our life on earth is nothing more than a choice made by our energetic system, using this body to get in touch with the perceived reality by it. Why would we do this option is something that we can compare to our decision to go to a movie and not a sporting spectacle, to go to a funeral and not to a party, or similar things. As human beings, every moment, we are opting for an activity that can be compared in terms of infinite, lasting a lifetime. What is certain is that the choice to a particular instrument was certainly determined for predisposing conditions to take this decision.
This instrument, is a material thing, it have limitations that we face with difficulty, why one day this separation is inevitable. For some it is difficult to accept that life can be separated from matter, or that matter is a 'creation' of our senses and does not really exist. This difficulty is overcome when we see that we have the ability to remove our " conscience" of the body. I.e., do the reverse of what happened in the womb, when we incorporate the embryo process. We felt so integrated to the body use to have this experience of life, and we end up thinking that it is who gives us life. The body is for our “conscience", the same is a computer for any program.
If there is something that has a will to the point of "turn off" the vital process, why doubt the possibility of something that survive off the body? Would almost be "suicide" of "consciousness". Something much more difficult to accept than the continuity of "consciousness" , even after death of the physical body. The fact that we are using a human body is an episode, nothing more than an episode, certainly simultaneously with other episodes.
This instrument, is a material thing, it have limitations that we face with difficulty, why one day this separation is inevitable. For some it is difficult to accept that life can be separated from matter, or that matter is a 'creation' of our senses and does not really exist. This difficulty is overcome when we see that we have the ability to remove our " conscience" of the body. I.e., do the reverse of what happened in the womb, when we incorporate the embryo process. We felt so integrated to the body use to have this experience of life, and we end up thinking that it is who gives us life. The body is for our “conscience", the same is a computer for any program.
If there is something that has a will to the point of "turn off" the vital process, why doubt the possibility of something that survive off the body? Would almost be "suicide" of "consciousness". Something much more difficult to accept than the continuity of "consciousness" , even after death of the physical body. The fact that we are using a human body is an episode, nothing more than an episode, certainly simultaneously with other episodes.
Believe: There is another universe.
Well, the physicists thought, if a particle can behave like this, why people will doubt the possibility of someone assist a scene that is happening thousands of kilometers away? Or, why deny the possibility of an identical twin feel the same pain felt by his brother, too, thousands of kilometers away?
Physicists were gradually recognizing the mystical aspects of phenomena that science was proving. This surely was one of the great achievements of man in his search to know who he is, where he came from and where it goes.
Today science already admits the existence of a supra luminous universe, i.e., where the speed is infinite, by overcoming the barrier of the speed of light, which is inherent to material universe we perceive with our senses.
Friday, January 3, 2014
The Energetic Universe
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The existence of the energetic universe is questioned by the people who are said materialist, ie who believe, that only exists what is perceived by your senses. This way of thinking was considered rational and scientific, until the moment when science recognized the existence of something beyond what is perceived by our senses.
The gap that was opened in scientific thinking, was established from the moment that physics had come to believe in existence of certain particles, who must exist by mathematical calculation, to justify the existence of something that was perceived by our senses.
This happened so many times that physicists now believe in their deductions from calculations, because with the advanced prospecting methods of reality, many things that were foreseen were proven, authorizing the use this resource to go beyond what could be objectively recognized.
Earth: exhausted capacity
This is the reality of planet Earth and yet, recklessly, infants continue to be born. The overcrowding of the planet becomes unbearable.
The overcrowding creates weather imbalances incompatibles with life on the planet. Earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, avalanches, thermal upsets, floods and other similar events, have always existed, but not with the frequency and intensity that are occurring.
Not the fact that we have so much people inhabiting the planet, but what determines this in terms of the aggress to nature. To feed this population, we need to plant extensively and create ever more animals to serve as food. The attack to the earth's crust by extensive planting, generates deforestation. Raising animals for slaughter upsets the normal living conditions of living beings on the planet, governed by natural selection.
To create job to this human overcrowding is necessary produce things unnecessary, with raw materials extracted from the earth's crust through aggression. To produce these unnecessary items, we need energy, obtained by procedures and processes that disrupt the ecological balance of the planet.
To accommodate this population, we need to build buildings, attacking the earth's crust for materials, and we need to expand and generate highly polluted cities. To fill this concentrated population is necessary to open roads and use pollutants transport.
The overcrowding creates weather imbalances incompatibles with life on the planet. Earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, avalanches, thermal upsets, floods and other similar events, have always existed, but not with the frequency and intensity that are occurring.
Not the fact that we have so much people inhabiting the planet, but what determines this in terms of the aggress to nature. To feed this population, we need to plant extensively and create ever more animals to serve as food. The attack to the earth's crust by extensive planting, generates deforestation. Raising animals for slaughter upsets the normal living conditions of living beings on the planet, governed by natural selection.
To create job to this human overcrowding is necessary produce things unnecessary, with raw materials extracted from the earth's crust through aggression. To produce these unnecessary items, we need energy, obtained by procedures and processes that disrupt the ecological balance of the planet.
To accommodate this population, we need to build buildings, attacking the earth's crust for materials, and we need to expand and generate highly polluted cities. To fill this concentrated population is necessary to open roads and use pollutants transport.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
The lucrative business of diseases
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Let's look at some of the adopted procedures to increase the profitability of companies in the industry:
• Encourage religious mysticism which has proved a valuable contributor to avoid scientific research that could prevent diseases that are highly profitable;
• Increase the existing synergistic action with the food industry, highlighting the results that are being obtained in anticipation of degenerative diseases;
• Invest more in disseminating drugs to combat the symptoms of chronic diseases by supporting organizations that associate these patients, and stimulate the consumption of highly profitable drugs;
• Increase the association with medical research institutions without measuring efforts in this area, given that generates excellent returns on market terms;
• Encourage purchases made by government health organizations, not so much by the sale itself, but to avoid that these resources are used in prevention programs, restrictive consumer market;
• Only the intended application of advertising dollars of food and drugs for vehicles that do not disclose issues that affect the consumer market for drugs.
Homicide caused by corrupt
The funds raised by the community to cover expenses with health and safet , should be diverted these purposes, may cause loss of human life. Thus, diversion or misappropriation of these resources, featuring the crime of murder, apparently unintended but predictable. There is no justification acceptable to mischaracterize this crime. In fact, many murders are mitigating, others involve risks, but these are practiced coldly informed by people and that is usually hired by the community to perform an activity of liability and therefore better paid.
It is necessary to establish and enhance the relationship of cause and effect between corruption and its terrible consequences. The death of a person for service deficiency, determined by diverting resource for health, is murder. The death in a car accident due to a defect conservation highway caused by misuse of the resource for this is murder. The murder committed by a convict who was released improperly, by corruption of the legal system, is murder committed by the corrupt.
No use label heinous crime and corruption following the elitist justice differentiating the crime committed by the poor of the crime committed by the privileged. Change the ridiculous penalty given to corrupt that caused the death of thousands of people, just is not something hilarious to be revolting.
Only it's any consolation security that has the death of a corrupt definitively terminating the problem, because its assault on social harmony has no continuity and individuality disappear.
It is necessary to establish and enhance the relationship of cause and effect between corruption and its terrible consequences. The death of a person for service deficiency, determined by diverting resource for health, is murder. The death in a car accident due to a defect conservation highway caused by misuse of the resource for this is murder. The murder committed by a convict who was released improperly, by corruption of the legal system, is murder committed by the corrupt.
No use label heinous crime and corruption following the elitist justice differentiating the crime committed by the poor of the crime committed by the privileged. Change the ridiculous penalty given to corrupt that caused the death of thousands of people, just is not something hilarious to be revolting.
Only it's any consolation security that has the death of a corrupt definitively terminating the problem, because its assault on social harmony has no continuity and individuality disappear.
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